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Posts tagged: The Subway Diaries

Dec 12 2011

Subway Diaries “T”‘s modeled by the ‘bestest’ :)

One of the best “Subway Diaries” fans Ms Kelly Moses (CA), winner of the 2011 ‘The Subway Diaries Street Team Award’ & her rockin’ Pug, PAT – (who no one can upstage regardless of wardrobe )

Send in your pics of you modeling the fab “T” to info@thesubwaydiaries.com & we’ll post!

xoxo & hugs from Heidi Kole & The Subway Diaries

Kelly Moses - winner of The Subway Diaries Street Team award modeling her rockin "T"& Kelly's rockin' Pug, Pat - upstaging us all! šŸ™‚ #BuskingPug

Dec 11 2011

The Subway Diaries “T” goes to Santiago, Chile

Nick Broad, Producer/Director of The Busking Project which I was filmed/interviewed for this past September – http://www.thebuskingproject.com snapped this rockin’ shot of him wearing his Subway Diaries “T” while filming in Santiago, Chile and standing next to a fab “Heidi Metal” sign!

He calls the picture “Heidi Power”Ā  : )

"Heidi Power" from Nick Broad of "The Busking Project" shot in Santiago Chile

Dec 08 2011

Obvious Under-Cover on the Uptown 1

So – I’m siting on the uber-crowded #1 train, headed uptown to Harlem to busk & this guy, in jeans & a sweatshirt, is standing by the pole in the middle of the train. His head is bobbing left-right-left-right & I hear what sounds like the faint crunching noise of a walkie-talkie. ( I can spot that noise a mile away) ME: “Is that I walkie-talkie I hear?” I said to the guy in the jeans. “Uh…Uh-huh” he whispered, half under his breath as if he had not wanted me to ask but instead to just go away. ME: “Are you a cop?” I said louder this time. His head bobbed back & forth faster now & nodded yes to me in between bobs. ME: (quite loudly this time) “Well, you should really turn that thing down, or get a different system or something, or else everyone will know you’re a cop!” The undercover cop shrunk down into his sweatshirt as if he wished he could just disappear. The train doors opened & shot the formerly, totally in control cop a huge smile as I hopped off onto the platform šŸ™‚ #ows

Dec 01 2011

Ever wondered why all the summons & arrests of Subway musicians & innocent civilians…?

Yesterday Mayor Bloomberg (or ‘Emperor Bloomberg’ as we have aptly named him here in NYC) showed his true colours at a speech he gave at MIT. In the wake of my 6 years performing underground in the NYC Subways and a how he has brutally handled the peaceful members of the Occupy Movement here in New York – I believe the following quote from the speech below will clear up any questions you might have as to where his head is at…

Bloomberg: “I have my own army in the NYPD, which is the seventh biggest army in the world.”

'Emperor' Bloomberg

Occupy Wall Street / We Are The 99%

Dec 01 2011

Danny on POTUS & Busking :)

Ran into Danny @ Times Square last evening. We both set up on different ends of the platform, he on the coveted #1 spot, me on the 2nd choice, and after about 20 minutes I packed up & came over to hang out with him before deciding on my next location…

Me:”Hey Danny its kinda slow down here, even with all these people…how come?’

Danny “The President’s in town & he’s got all them po-lice with him” he spouted with his thick South Carolina accent, putting all the emphasis on the “po’ when he spoke the word “police”. “Those po-lice they suck up all the energy.”

Classic Danny šŸ™‚

Danny & Me : )

Nov 30 2011

Busking w/ the President & Your America

Today Obama is town to raise money & although the NYPD considers me a serious threat to National Security when I’m singing in the subway, I’ll be singing anyway. It’s what I do, it’s who I am. It’s my job, my life, just like yours, Mr President, is running the country I making this a better, safer, more joyous America for us all…

On that note – if I had three minutes with The president I’d beg him to turn the course the country is on around before it’s too late. I’d remind him that countries have notoriously followed our lead and all we stand for; freedom, democracy, that ‘anything’s possible’ attitude America’s been built on, but all of what we stand for is fast being eroded.

I’d then show him the photos of what he allowed to go on in LA & Philadelphia last night, the same thing he’s allowed to happen here at our Occupy Camp here in New York on the 15th. I’d have a copy of the US Constitution in my hand and remind him of the Amendments that allow peaceful assembly and freedom of speech – both of which are being violated daily here in America

Photograph: Kevork Djansezian/Getty Image

Photograph: Kevork Djansezian/Getty Image

Photograph: Kevork Djansezian/Getty Image

Photograph: Kevork Djansezian/Getty Image

Photograph: Kevork Djansezian/Getty Image

I’d then beg him, with all my heart to use this $35,000 a plate dinner he’s hosting to raise the consciousness of those who will listen in an attempt to please not pass the bill that’s currently being voted on on the Senate Floor:

The United States Senate is set to vote this week on a bill that would categorize the entire USA as a ā€œbattlefield,ā€ allowing law enforcement duties to be dished out by the American Military, who in turn could detain any US citizen as a war criminal ā€” even coming into their own homes to issue arrests.

The National Defense Authorization Act regularly comes before Congress for changes and additions, but the latest provision, S. 1867, proves to be the most powerful one yet in raping constitutional freedoms from Americans. Move over, Patriot Act. Should S. 1867 pass, lawmakers could conjure the text to keep even regular citizens detained indefinitely by their own military.


I would beg him for sake of all of us and especially the children, future generations who deserve a chance to live in a free America, not to pass this bill – to block it with all the power he has.

In fact, I’d probably beg him to leave the fundraisingĀ  dinner & go and take care of this looming and imminent threat to our personal freedoms as human beings on planet earth.

Fundraising can wait – our lives cannot Mr President – your children’s lives cannot

Please help the 99% Mr President. We are your people, we are you, we are your children, we are your vote. Please help us be free & you will need no fundraising as we will be behind you – instinctively

That’s what I’d say if I had 3 minutes with The President – but I probably won’t, I’ll instead sing & run the very real risk of having way more than 3 minutes with the NYPD

If you have a few minutes – please contact your Senators & urge them to oppose these outrageous provisions. The time to do is is short but we can, as you’ve seen with the Occupy Movement now in 1000 cities, make a difference if we all speak up, in unison for what we want.

PS ~ And only 3 hrs after I wrote this blog the deal was sealed:

61 senators betrayed you today, they authorized the indefinite suspension of habeus corpus


Peace,Ā  Creativity & Freedom ~ Heidi Kole & The Subway Diaries

Nov 27 2011

Thoughts d’jour on #OccupyEducation & the future of our Planet

“It takes 12 years to ‘educate’ an American, to teach them how War & a mindset of ‘lack’ & not enough for all has ruled the planet for centuries. After 12 years of going over the ‘facts’ you are sent to “Institutions” of ‘higher learning’ where more details of ‘the way it is’ are cemented into your still pliable brain. After that, no longer free to think for yourself about any other earth other than what you have been taught, yet inaugurated now as an ‘acceptable’ citizen’ you are deemed an American, fit to follow rules & comply – this system must change.” ~Heidi Kole #ows


Nov 19 2011

Pushing the limits: Interviewed by Canadian artist/blogger MicheleAndree Lemieux


By likemindblog

Heidi-home articlshot4

HEIDI KOLE, singer, composer, author, teacher, sheā€™s genuine, authentic, passionate and her story touches the heart, the mind and the soul.Ā  It makes you think, and perhaps I should say re-think your values and just how true to yourself you are and how far you are willing to go to remain so.

It is with great pleasure, and I am honoured to welcome this wonderful underground diva who has so graciously responded to my invitation.Ā  Heidi, welcome and thank youĀ for participating in this project by answering the following questions.

No. 1) Ā What is music to and for you? Ā (in general and personally)

To me, music isā€¦wowā€¦I hesitate to say everything as I wouldnā€™t want ot put that much pressure on one thing in life, but itā€™s way up there with running, biking, floating on the River and any other activity that puts me in touch with truth and source. The cool thing about music is that although I can share biking and running with others by explaining it or participating in the activity with them, it still feels like two solo activities, you know, tow people partaking in one activity and having separate experiences. Whereas with music when either created or shared it spans beyond any other activity I can think of. This universal connection appears both when I write music, perform music and listen to music ā€“ and mostly the former two.Ā  Both when I write a new song, or rather when the song borrows me to be written, and when I perform there is a profound connection when I get out of the way. The connection is like a dialogue. In the writing of music the dialogue is between the Universe and the language of music and when I perform the dialogue, the dance is between the music and the different souls involved; me, the audience &, in the case of performing in the subways, whoever happens to be hanginā€™ around on the platforms. I know no other art form that can move energy as music can. Nothing else has the vibrational power that music has. I would sooner liken music to the power the rhythm of the oceans surf has on a soul over a sculpture or piece of fine art. I appreciate all art and it all has great power and potential to move energy, but music has the added power of vibrational energy that in turn can transform a mood with one opening note or chord form a well loved song. Personally, when I am away from music and itā€™s power for very long, I begin to wither. Itā€™s my sustenance more so than food or drink. And I know this to have been true for me since I was a small child and has continued since in my life.

No. 2) Ā What inspires you?Ā Heidi 58small

Gosh ā€“ life. I know that sounds trite perhaps but tiā€™s true. Everything, everyone I see, hear, touch, encounter in life gets translated in me into music & lyrics. It either gets used in the moment or ā€™storedā€™ for later use for me to draw on. I love how a phrase contains an entire song in itā€™s innate rhythm. I love how being moved by the energy of a perfect day or itā€™s contrasting difficult situation can both hold entire compositions inside. I love seeing the world through the lens of sound, rhythm and words and observing what gets spit out musically as a result.

No. 3) Ā When you are playing, creating, singing, where does it take you? Ā Where does your mind travel?

Ahā€¦.good question. When writing, my mind has to actually ā€˜leaveā€™ in a way. It has to leave in the sense that we usually use our mind and become 100% available and at service to the song. So in a way, if youā€™re familiar with mediation of any kind, thatā€™s where the mind goes. It goes to source and only in that way can the song truly speak through you. I never made the connection between that state of being thatā€™s necessary for composition and performing until I performed in the trains here in NYC. I had performed all my life on stage, in National tours, on cruise ships, TV, Film Radio etc and never did I really step out of the picture until I hit the platforms and sang in the NYC Subways. But the very first day I did that something left me. Something left and what remained allowed me complete freedom, abandon and pure happiness. I realized after writing ā€œThe Subway Diariesā€ that what had left was my ego. And in ditching my ego I was left in that pure, I guess you could say meditative space where it was, once again, me, the music and the energy I just happened to be sharing with, oh a couple of thousand strangers on the Uptown A platform : ) The reason this happens in the subways is there is really no space for oneā€™s ego when you sing there. No one cares if youā€™re there or not, no one even knows youā€™re there unless you get out of the way and be 100% in the music. Only then do you move them, touch them and only then are you gifted as well with effortlessness and a kind of weightless out of body experience. You see, on stage, you can often get away with ā€˜the imageā€™, ā€˜the packageā€™, ā€˜the lookā€™ ā€“ and one can even hide behind that mirage on stage. Iā€™m not saying by doing so youā€™re making art, itā€™s just that the environment allows for the ego to participate and the music to take a back seat to the ego. Butā€¦.in the trains, there is no ambiance, no lights, no sound system, no costumes or make up or invites or production and the only, the only thing you are left with is being true to your art and moving people or being ignored for making noise. The former is much more fun. When you do ā€˜loose your mindā€™ in essence, while performing or writing, magic happens & when you pop back in, you and the audience, you and the music, you and the song thatā€™s being birthed is right there, in front of you, carrying everyone who hears it.

No. 4) Ā Do you think music, painting and health are related and if so, how?

Heidi articleshot3Absolutely related. I feel strongly in the healing power of all art forms and especially as I mentioned above, in the healing power of music. Mostly because of the healing powers of the tones and vibrations. Did you know that the Egyptian Pyramids were originally built not as tombs but as healing vessels. They were tuned to specific tones and people would enter to different parts of the pyramids, containing different tones, all depending on what their ailment happened to be. The most frequently used tone for healing was F#. When you realize that it makes you wonder about the path ā€˜modernā€™ medicine has taken and what healing tools we may actually have right in our own iPODs :) I do know, however that if I have any ailment, if I go underground & sing, whatever was ā€˜eatingā€™ at me is gone by the time I leave the trains. The power of the breath and vibration is palpable daily to me. Finally, anything anyone can do to ā€˜looseā€™ themselves, let their mind ā€˜beā€™, discharge oneā€™s ego, let if go off duty for a time can be nothing but healing in nature.Ā I have many more thoughts on this subject but Iā€™d be typing forever.

No. 5) Ā How do you feel when you are playing music, singing?

Particularly when I am in the trains singing, I feel 100% free. I feel that way especially in the trains or as I discovered at numerous busking festivals this summer, anywhere where I am busking for the public. It is the most selfless and selfish activity I have experienced short of a long summer run or bike ride along the River. In short Iā€™m in heaven. Iā€™ve even mentioned a few times to my friends in the trains that ā€œI could seriously die right here on the platforms and be completely contentā€. I feel that good :)

No. 6) Ā Do you identify with your songs and if so, on what level?

Iā€™m assuming you mean both the ones I write and the covers I perform and of course I do identify with them. I identify with different songs though for different reasons. Some I identify because of their lyrics, some because of their melody and some just because their rhythm makes me want to dance and I love to watch it do the same for others. Often times a song will ā€˜morphā€™ for me, For example it willĀ  be a good song that speaks to the masses on one day and the next, depending on what has happened to me that day or week, it will become a sincerely personal message Iā€™m conveying through the very same song. So, yes I do identify, each song for itā€™s own unique reasons and those elements are fostered, highlighted in what moves me by what I or others have been recently experiencing.

No. 7) Ā Under what conditions do you work best? Heidi articleshot

Gosh ā€“ relaxed I guess. And one would not, innately think of the Subways as ā€˜relaxedā€™ but for me the trains are where I exhale. Same goes for songwriting but Iā€™d add to songwriting ā€˜inspiredā€™ as itā€™s much more powerful to combine me getting out of the way with a specific inspiration. In a performance, the audience fills is my inspiration. So those are the two elements, relaxed (out of the picture) and inspired.

No. 8) Does playing music, singing, help you connect with your Higher Self, whatever that is for you? Ā (Youā€™ve answered this actually)

Yes. I have found through the years, and especially through my experience performing in the NYC Subways that without that connection to ā€˜higherā€™ or ā€˜trueā€™ self, itā€™s not music ā€“ itā€™s simply uninspired noise filling up airspace. But with that connection honestly I have found you can sing any words, any melody anything & if youā€™re connected to source it will move peopleĀ  ā€“ ie if I am moved, they are moved. I donā€™t use the term ā€˜higher selfā€™ very often as I believe that what is insinuated in that term is a separation between you and something outside of you. And in truth, in my experience there is no distinction, and to separate ourselves from our own truth, even in language, does a disservice to each one of us. I believe that what we see as tangible (the house, the car, the job, the clothes etc) are less of a reality than that truth/source that we all hold inside. I know that may seem odd to some but I feel that we see with our five senses is somewhat ā€˜old hatā€™ā€¦someone elseā€™s manifestation. Whereas the energy and vibrational power each of us holds to endlessly create is enormous and rarely tapped in society as itā€™s stood over the pat hundreds of years. However I do see that changing andĀ  people ā€˜waking upā€™ to their own inner truths and power which is energizing and exciting. This interview is a prime example of that awakening in action. Years ago these questions would not have been asked and now youā€™re out there firing away, digging beyond what weā€™ve for so long considered ā€˜realā€™. I want to thank you for that.

No. 9) Ā How do you feel about creativity in the public school system, its development and even its use in problem solving for instance?

I have directed, taught and held master classes in the Public School system mostly in DC and have seen the power arts and athletics, hold for young souls in their ability to express themselves freely. There are so many rules in society now & the rules appear to continue to compound daily. The arts is essential for children and adults alike to reclaim their power and ā€™sourceā€™ amidst the rules, regulations and other peopleā€™s manifestations of what a functional society ā€™shouldā€™ look like. I also believe however, having also taught in private schools, that the arts are as vital in the private educational system as they are in the public. I have found that the pressure for kids to succeed in pre-determined ways by their parents and society is beyond oppressive and begins as early as kindergarten in some social circles. I have taught in such environments and to be honest, the kids are so tied up in knots even by the age of 7 or 8 that itā€™s almost harder in those environments to help them find their true voice, as by that time they are already more concerned about what others may think than what makes them truly happy. Kids in the public schools may have other elements working against them, such as lack of funds etc but Iā€™ve found the children in public schools much more free and still in many ways, in touch with who they are and what they dream of than many in private institutions. Those in public schools, in my experience, have still been granted the freedom to dream and believe in their dreams. Whereas in private schools (unless itā€™s an arts school) the ā€˜dreamā€™ has often been ā€˜trainedā€™ out of them at a very young age and they have already in a sense, substituted their truth for someone elseā€™s.Ā  Short answer ā€“ yes, arts, athletics-anything that fosters creativity and freedom of self is vital to the complete development of all young souls.

Heidi articlesot2No. 10) Ā In your opinion, what could be a simple solution to improve creativity in the public school system?

Wow ā€“ big question and Iā€™m not sure most would consider my answer ā€™simpleā€™ but a ā€™solutionā€™ can be simple if/when we achieve a shift in consciousness about our priorities and what education really means. Meaning, we need to make a shift from an attitude of ā€˜trainingā€™ our children to memorize and recreate what past generations have done over and over again, to a mind set that each new soul on this earth has something unique and magical to bring to this planet. And our schools should be an environment of exploration and discovery, filled with adventures and breakthroughs that encourage our new souls to push the limits of what we think is possible, not memorize what we have done so we can re-create what we already see in front of us over and over again. If that sole change was made in how we approach education ā€“ the new souls coming to this earth now & in ā€™schoolā€™ can & will ( and many despite the current system still do) change the world at a pace faster than anyone can imagined. In my opinionĀ we are not the teachers of the children. They areĀ our teachers. We areĀ their students. They are here to teach us whatā€™s new & shiny & cominā€™ ā€™round the corner. Its our job to support their brilliance, be their when they fall, make sure they feel supported and safe as they guide us past everything we thought possible. But itā€™s not our job as educators to ā€˜forceā€™ old news of was onto a child who already, from birth knows his/her likes. dislikes and path. With that one shift ā€“ the words ā€™schoolā€™, ā€˜insitutionā€™ and ā€˜educationā€™ would take on completely new meanings.

No. 11) Ā What made you decide at some point to go play in the subway (metro) stations?

Well, itā€™s all written out in detail in my bookĀ The Subway Diaries – thatā€™s one of the reasons I wrote the book because people kept asking me that question and the answer is ā€¦ well I guess long enough to write a book about :) Very short answer is I had an accident (which Iā€™m now 100% recovered from) and it was the one thing I could think of doing to stay creative and earn a living while I was recovering. Since that first day underground, however, it has become so much more. The trains have literally changed my life. (see The Subway Diaries on Google or excerpts on my website for more detail. Or you can get a copy at


No. 12) What compelled you to write your book Ā the Subway Diaries? Heidi articlshot4

The phenomenal subculture of artists and musicians that exist underground in the city of NY. That community and the freedom they allowed me as an artist has changed my life. I also wrote it, not just as a personal journey, but as a sociological study of that magical subculture that exists underneath the streets of New York. I wrote it as well, as a wake up call to the choices we have made as a society above ground. Every time Iā€™d descend into the trains it would hit me like a ton of bricks how far off track weā€™ve gotten with our priorities. It hit me that with all the emphasis above ground on money, power, status, youth and beauty and greed, that weā€™d lost track of what we as humans actually thrive on. Itā€™s what we thrive on continuously underground ā€“ truth, art, happiness, generosity, kindness, compassion, art, joyā€¦thatā€™s why Iā€™m there, thatā€™s why I wrote the book.

No. 13) What do you hope to transmit through your music

Movement ā€“ movement of energy, be a happy, make-you-want-to d-dance energy or an energy that helps you remember something you had forgotten in the past. If I can move a soul with a song; move a soul to dance, clap, smile when they had been otherwise frowning, to laughter, to tears. If I can move a soul, even one soul, Iā€™ve done my job. Thatā€™s why I write, thatā€™s why I sing. Thatā€™s why I live. To absorb life and convey that movement back out into the universe. To me thereā€™s nothing better than to be a part of that magical process.

Heidi, thank you again for sharing so very generously with us, your thoughts and feelings and talent.Ā  I feel grateful that our paths have crossed and I am looking forward to working with you again.Ā  Until then my friend, keep well and be blessed!

HeidikolefinalTO THE READER :

You are cordially invited to visit Heidiā€™s links below to find out more about this wonderful artist.Ā  I urge you as well to get a copy of her book The Subway Diaries which you can get via the link below.Ā  As always, your comments are welcome and I thank you.Ā  Enjoy!








photo credits: Harvey Manger-Weil,

Poet Minor,Mitchell Parsons,Tolga Adonali,Ā Henning P Fischer.


My name is Michele Andree. I am an artist, I paint musicians in action. I think Iā€™m a musician at heart, my instrument beingā€¦ a brush, so I playā€¦brush and I paintā€¦ music.
I love jazz. I call it freedom music. It promotes special values. I love intelligent people and good conversations.

Some people ask me how music relates to art. Personally I find they go hand in hand. Music is what turns me on to painting. It makes me see colours

Oct 31 2011

As we move towrds 11/11/11 & beyond #OWS

If you are still wondering about Why Occupy Wall Street is … thisĀ  list which Occupy Wall Street released one month ago, remastered into this short Youtube video pretty much says it all:



Oct 28 2011

Occupy Wall Street & Occupy Music

Hi all. As many of you know, I’ve been spending a whole lot of time supporting The Occupy Movement both in person and virtually online.

Just a quick update to let you know my tune “Walk On Through The Rain” is now featured on #OccupyMusic!


And the following album is constantly updated with each march, rally,Ā  & #OWS event so keep scrolling through šŸ™‚


Next post will have even more fun news so stay tuned šŸ™‚

Occupy Wall Street