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Posts tagged: The Subway Diaries

Jul 10 2012

Louise Hauck – a fellow vbrational entrainer of the NYC Subways

The other day I heard a wonderful Futurist, Intuitive & Author, Louise Hauck on Coast to Coast Radio. What I heard inspired me to reach out to Louise as a fellow energy worker & this is her fabulous response 😉


Subway Angels

Submitted by illuminator on July 9, 2012 – 8:11pm
Subway Angels

I was touched by this email from a Coast to Coast listener. She heard me talk about “entraining” others onto a higher vibrational frequency — especially on planes and trains!

Hello Louise,
I have just finished hearing you on C2C and it was both inspiring & made me giggle as I am (among other things) a busker (singer/guitar player) of 6 years in the NYC Subways. I recently have moved onto the train cars to busk as the heat has gotten pretty rough in the city. It’s a different world on the train cars versus the platforms and one thing I’ve noticed is that during the 3 1/2 minutes or so that I’m singing, the sound & energy can actually raise the vibration of those on the train car.

I always prep myself prior to going into the trains – surrounding myself with light & as I call them, ‘my subway angels’ to keep me surrounded by only good vibrations, allow me to do my work & keep the cops away 🙂 When I get on the car I look around at all the people and get a gage of where the vibration is starting from – then I usually choose the one person who is sighing, probably having decided that I should be thrown off the train 🙂 I choose them to channel my energy & sound through. It’s so fabulous, by the end of the song, how the formerly ‘unwelcoming’ person with the scrunched up face will have softened…eyes often closed, having absorbed the sound & vibration that’s been raised throughout the car.

I’ve had many awakenings from my many experiences under the streets of New York, in the NYC subways, the latest being what I am experiencing vibration-wise on the train cars, my intuition becoming quite heightened. Sometimes, I actually invite the higher entities who channel through me in the train cars, to take a verse, a note, a phrase of a song here & there, now & then. I love to let their energies assist in the raising of the vibration of the people who I encounter. This is why I busk, this is why I spent 6 years writing a book, ‘The Subway Diaries’ to share with the world the phenomenal energetic experiences that exist underground the city of New York.

It’s such a fabulous and magical journey we’re all on & I hope more than anything that everyone can get even a small taste of these fabulous & powerful energetic worlds that exist for all of us 🙂

Thank you for your touching stories on C2C – I’ve never heard anyone else, other than myself, speak of the energetic experiences on the NYC Subways – it’s a rich & magical playground for energies to play in & was happy to hear your experiences there & elsewhere.

Love & Light
Heidi Kole
The Subway Diaries



Jul 06 2012

This is where I busked to today in NYC :)

Jun 26 2012

My tune is on the radio tonight on a rockin’ show about the infinite power of your brain!

Hear some cool tunes (mine included) and a beyond rockin broadcast tonight on Truth Connections Radio – all about the infinite power of your brain! “We have all of the psychic, well being…brain power tools we need right in our bodies..the brain is truely a powerful thing!
Join us @ 8 p.m. EST tonight to find out how to amp up your brain power.”


May 16 2012

Favourite Feedback of the day ♥

My favourite feedback of the day from a guy who didin’t talk…he got my heart with this ♥ (excuse the blurry train pic – lotta movement on the #1 🙂

May 06 2012

Best Amazon Review of the week ~

Best Amazon review of the week of The Subway Diaries by Lawrence Daly – Lawrence you rock ♥

“Heidi Kole’s spiritual & musical journey through the magical world of subway performers is a must read for anyone who is trying to find joy & meaning in their life. The only thing more fascinating than the people and circumstances she encounters is what Heidi learns as she navigates the twisted tunnels and crowded subway platforms of the underground. Through her eyes we see that angels are all around us, joy is often found in the most unlikely of places and being awake and aware allows all of this and more to flow to us with ease. As Heidi learns about herself as an artist, musician and a human being, she teaches us that living your passion is the key to true happiness. She also shows that if you are searching for the road to enlightenment, you might just find it in the most unconventional of locals and with the help of the most unlikely of souls.”

May 03 2012

Seeking – Busking Sherpa :)

Ok – now that I’ve braved the train cars, I’ve got my ‘train legs’ down, I’ve only popped myself once in the face w/tuning pegs of my guitar & have mastered the vibe/rhythm of playing the trains, but the one thing I’ve yet to figure out is how, when I’m playing guitar & singing, I can finagle dollars people wave at me before the tune is done…I think I need a busking sherpa 🙂

Apr 24 2012

On air today w/ Truth Connections Radio!

Tune in today @ 8PM to Kathy Buckalew ‘s mind expanding show, Truth Connections Radio http://truthconnections.wordpress.com/ & http://www.blogtalkradio.com/truthconnections – hear my tunes played & listen in for special Truth Connections offer of The Subway Diaries!

Truth Connections Radio



Apr 21 2012

A Guy on Train ~

Guy on train, after pokin’ around, trying to find a place to put a dollar while I’m singing: “That was just a test”
Me: “A test?”
Guy: “A test, to see if you’d stop or keep singing”
Me: “Haha – I never stop unless you have a gun, a walkie & a badge” 🙂

Apr 12 2012

Indoor Sunstainable Garden Project in the Sky ♥


Apr 08 2012

Indoor Garden Project Day #5

Yay my rockin’ Basil Seeds – we’re sprouting fast!

Basil Seed Day #5