Posts tagged: Singer/Songwriter
The Underground gets Occupied :)
Thanks to the Transit Workers Union of NYC 🙂
The Subway Diaries “T” goes to Santiago, Chile
Nick Broad, Producer/Director of The Busking Project which I was filmed/interviewed for this past September – snapped this rockin’ shot of him wearing his Subway Diaries “T” while filming in Santiago, Chile and standing next to a fab “Heidi Metal” sign!
He calls the picture “Heidi Power” : )
Red Carpet Premier of film I did stunts in & rockin’ the Hudson @ Fleet Week!
Fri was a jam packed night starting w/ the NYC premier of “Tied To A Chair” the film I did stunts in described in “The Subway Diaries” followed by a party along the Hudson River where Fleet Week was in full swing. Here’s the New YOrker review of the film & some pics of the fun : )
The Front Row: “Tied to a Chair”: Bound for Glory : The New Yorker
Happy Start To Summer! : )
Tonight…I’m watching as someone plays me on stage! : )
So, last week I was interviewed for a good hour and a half for this stage piece that’s in development called “Buskers” and tonight I’ve been invited to see it’s premier reading in association with The Old Vic Theater of London, at the Soho House here in Manhattan, in which an actress is playing me!
Go figure right? I’ve never been on this side of the fence/camera/stage before and I gotta say…it’s a bit trippy 🙂
Fill ya in later…
Stay musical!
The First Amendment…Porn’s ok & Music’s not???
Get a handle on the Constitution America….
Damn Cops!
Seriously – there’s other stuff to do down there in the trains than mess w/ me to save your job!!!