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Posts tagged: Occupy Wall Street

Nov 20 2012

Another Day @ Occupy Sandy Relief in Brooklyn NY

Two friends accompanied me to Occupy Sandy Relief today in Brooklyn – they were both overwhelmed & moved at the outpouring of generosity & love being expressed by those we worked with, those giving & those receiving. There is still SO much more to be done as some here still have no power, heat or running water. However this experience has raised the bar of humanity in a way no other experience could. ♥For Occupy 🙂

Oct 20 2012

When your work…

When your work is your meditation, your joy, your healing, your passion – you’re about as lucky as you can get #the♥ofbusking

Sep 21 2012

The Love of Busking ♥

All I could think every time I stepped onto a train car this evening to busk, looking at all the exhausted faces & bodies crammed together, side by side, the motion of the train car pulling them left, right, left right was: ‘You are all so brave to be here at this point in time. You are all so so brave to have incarnated at this point in history with such immense shifts taking place. You are all so brave & you might not even know it. I love you & this song is for you’ ♥ of busking

May 06 2012

Best Amazon Review of the week ~

Best Amazon review of the week of The Subway Diaries by Lawrence Daly – Lawrence you rock ♥

“Heidi Kole’s spiritual & musical journey through the magical world of subway performers is a must read for anyone who is trying to find joy & meaning in their life. The only thing more fascinating than the people and circumstances she encounters is what Heidi learns as she navigates the twisted tunnels and crowded subway platforms of the underground. Through her eyes we see that angels are all around us, joy is often found in the most unlikely of places and being awake and aware allows all of this and more to flow to us with ease. As Heidi learns about herself as an artist, musician and a human being, she teaches us that living your passion is the key to true happiness. She also shows that if you are searching for the road to enlightenment, you might just find it in the most unconventional of locals and with the help of the most unlikely of souls.”

May 03 2012

Seeking – Busking Sherpa :)

Ok – now that I’ve braved the train cars, I’ve got my ‘train legs’ down, I’ve only popped myself once in the face w/tuning pegs of my guitar & have mastered the vibe/rhythm of playing the trains, but the one thing I’ve yet to figure out is how, when I’m playing guitar & singing, I can finagle dollars people wave at me before the tune is done…I think I need a busking sherpa 🙂

Apr 24 2012

On air today w/ Truth Connections Radio!

Tune in today @ 8PM to Kathy Buckalew ‘s mind expanding show, Truth Connections Radio http://truthconnections.wordpress.com/ & http://www.blogtalkradio.com/truthconnections – hear my tunes played & listen in for special Truth Connections offer of The Subway Diaries!

Truth Connections Radio



Apr 21 2012

A Guy on Train ~

Guy on train, after pokin’ around, trying to find a place to put a dollar while I’m singing: “That was just a test”
Me: “A test?”
Guy: “A test, to see if you’d stop or keep singing”
Me: “Haha – I never stop unless you have a gun, a walkie & a badge” 🙂

Apr 06 2012

New World Fair 2012

When I’m not busking, meandering along Hudson, plant whispering, starting my indoor sustainable garden, I’m helping my friend Kevin Vancio organize  this fabulous awakening project here in NY but encompassing the world !

The New World Fair in Queens NY this July is going to be world changing & given all the fabulous healers, teachers, artists, clairvoyants, channelers & vibrational pavers of a New Earth already involved – this event is bound to propel humanity forward in a huge way!

Here’s our site thus far & please don’t hesitate to post here any suggestions you may have for energy workers, speakers, healers, artists etc you may wish to see at the event – otherwise we hope to see you at the Fair!



Mar 28 2012

The Underground gets Occupied :)

Thanks to the Transit Workers Union of NYC 🙂 http://gothamist.com/2012/03/28/did_you_get_a_free_ride_on_the_subw.php

Jan 30 2012

Rock on!

Sitting on bench, waiting @Times Square for Downtown “A” train & and a guy walks by, puts his arm in the air & announces; “The incomparable Heidi Kole!” I look over & the guy smiling at me, adds, “Where’s your amp?” – not knowing him for the life of me, I answered kind of softly; “I’m actually just going downtown to the guitar store, so don’t have my amp” “Rock on Heidi Kole – we are the 99%!” he shouted as the train doors closed on his huge smile, his arm shot up in the air topped by his hand clenched in an occupy fist. This city’s eternally craaaazy : ) ♥