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Sep 15 2011

Angels, Virtual Shopping & Love Until It Hurts

I had a tough day today so I grabbed my guitar & headed under regardless of it being 9PM at night by the time I got to the platforms.

There was a Cuban vocalist singing Spanish love songs on the Uptown A,C,E so I sat on the bench & waited ’till he was done since he said he wasn’t going to be much more than 20 minutes more

I sat down next to a happy, round-faced  Hispanic woman named Tina with her shopping bags on her lap. One was a huge MACY’S bag and I asked her; “So, what did you get?” as I pointed to the bag.

“Oh” she said confidently, “I found it”

“You found what?” I said as I peered into surprisingly empty bag

“I found the bag and it made me smile because even though I didn’t have the money to go shopping, I feel like I’ve gone shopping just carrying it”

“Oh my God, that’s brilliant. It’s like virtual shopping!”  I said to her & she smiled back a very proud smile.

Sing of the times – I thought to myself … maybe we’ll all be taking a hint from Tina soon and doing all our shopping ‘virutally’ : )

We chatted some more & she told me she and her boyfriend had just broken up but, “I really love my freedom” she added “We have things in common & he is very well to do, but I love my freedom too.” she added, her round, jovial cheeks glowing.

The then reached into her purse for a pen and said “I have something for you” She pulled out a green pen and folded her prize Macey’s bag onto her lap. Then she proceeded to write as she spoke these words:“Ama hasta que Te duela y si te Duele, es un buena senal” ~ Mother Theresa (which, translated means, Love until it hurts & if it hurts it’s a good sign” ~ Mother Theresa

“Keep this” Tina said, “Keep it near you and you will remember it’s power”

Tina proceeded to buy a copy of “The Subway Diaries”, sharing more of her relationship woes and stayed for the first 1/2 hour of my time on the platform. After she left, sharing big hugs and kisses with me , her energy remained.

I continued to sing and to be quite honest, the love that started the night continued non stop through out the evening. Commuters donated, smiled, blew & gave kisses and shared hugs with me all night long. Many shared their stories of where they were from, where they were going and how the music had moved them this evening.

I share this night’s adventures with you guys out there in “The Subway Diaries” – Land because I am eternally beyond floored at what these trains give me daily, nightly, week after week, month after month. I want you to know. I never know where these ‘angel’s come from – I never know where they go afterward as I rarely see the ‘angels’ again. But I have no doubt now, after 6 yrs underground, that angels do exist.I know they exist & I hope you too may be inspired to listen for the angels as they talk to you. Because they will, if you listen closely : )

Love & Peace Heidi & The Subway Diaries

Jul 11 2011

Criminal Court Take Two

Hi guys ~

So, today  was  court day  ‘numero  dos’  out of the three  summons I’ve been issued thus  far for singing in the NYC  Subways. This one was from three months or so ago and the reason it  was issued  was a random, “Blocking Pedestrian  Flow of  Traffic” This was  from  the cop,  Officer  Chin, who needed to give someones a  summons so he wouldn’t get his ‘hiney’  kicked  by that  same  Amazonian  supervisor  they all  seem to be terrified of. I’m  certainly saving a whole lotta cops  butts these days  with all these tickets!

I had to be at the 54th st  Precinct/Community Court  building at  the inhuman  (for a musician) hour of 9:oo AM. That felt like the toughest  part honestly. Well, it was the  toughest part until I  saw the line of  people, that snaked  down the block and I  was told to  stand in it in the 90  degree heat underneath the blazing sun ’till whenever…  I love the heat, but  I gotta say, we  were  hurting out there. It was  beyond  hot. Today was one of our first  ‘heat  advisory’ days in NYC and here were  50 or so people  being told to stand in it indefinitely with no shade or cover or water whatsoever.  Every time  someone  would step out of  line to rest from  the sun in the shade of a building or parked  truck the cop in the doorway  would  yell out “Get back in line.  You all have to stay in line or else  we  wont’ know what order you all came in.  So stay in line and stop wandering off”  This  was  gonna be a long morning, I could  tell already.

After about 45 minutes of  the heat, the line and listening to a  gazillion  conversations  in  every language  except  English,  I  was  finally allowed in, I  assumed to go into the court room.  Ha, if life were  just that easy. I  went  to the security area  where  the  metal  detector  stood, the cop at the desk  took my  summons and said; “What are you here for?”

“Singing” I  replied

“Ok,  go  back  outside and we’ll  call you when we  have  room.  The  courtroom is  full right now” Seriously? Back outside to  stand in the heat again? Come on NYC, you jut have to stop issuing so many summons that you don’t have room to  deal  w/  us all.

I went back  outside and since I  was no longer required to be in ‘line formation’ I looked  around  for some  shade.  I  spotted a line of  shade  created by a small overhang on the courthouse,  stepped up to it and stood under it along  with four or five  other ‘offenders’ lined up like pigeons on a stoop.

A small raggedy white  guy, one of the few out there who spoke  English said; “So, what are you doing here? What  did they get you for?”

“Singing” I replied once again, feeling as we  should all just be  wearing  t-shirts  w/ our  accused  offense on it to make things  simpler. “How  about you?”

“Oh,  riding my bike” the  disheveled  guy  replied

“Riding your bike.  Really?  Where were you riding your  bike that they ticketed  you?”

“Riverside  Drive” the guy responded and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper that matched his ragged  style perfectly in it’s  disheveldness. “See, I  drew a map to show the judge. There’s no  reason you can’t  ride  there, see?” and he pointed to his hand drawn map on crumpled white  lined paper that was  surprisingly clear. I knew  exactly where he had gotten stopped and  it made no sense, it’s a park and he  was on a bike. “It’s just  money for the city”  the tousled  guy said  as  he wadded  his ‘ map’ back  up and stuffed it in his pocket. “I  don’t  get it. All this  time and  effort  ’cause I  was  riding my bike”

“Yeah, seems like a lot of nonsense  to me” I  agreed as I  looked  around at the crowd that had  grown and now included not only our  United Nations of  ‘offenders’  but now included  a  few mothers  with their  children,  old men and women in wheel chairs, a blind  man  with his  guide and  a woman with her wheelchair-bound son  who had  cerebral palsy.  For the life of me  I  couldn’t figure out what  some  of  these people could have possibly  done to  provoke  being  given a summons.  But what do I know about running a city…

Just  then one of the groups of people who had  gone in prior  to me  came out  en mass, all with matching  bright orange  plastic  vests on reading “NYC COMMUNITY CLEANUP” In their hands  they each  carried a  tool or a bucket full of  what I guess  was  paint.  Oh my God,  seriously they make  you  do manual labour  for city if you go in there?  I thought as I  watched  the group of men and women  lug  huge 5 gallon  buckets of paint, paint  rollers on long handles, street brooms and  buckets with cleaning supplies in them  down the courthouse  steps. They wandered out, slow  moving and  slightly stunned looking, parked their newly acquired accessories on the  sidewalk and waited in the sun.

Community Service NYC-Style

I  wondered as I looked at the group of about a dozen women and  men, what  they had done to be put to work like that  for the  city. I leaned  back on the  brick of the  building and tried to  stay cool  while I pondered  the possibilities and  prayed to God singing was  not one of the offenses included in the “Community Clean Up” program. Just then  I heard my name “Heidi Kole, Heidi Kole”

“Yes” I  perked up hoping this process might be  finally moving along.

“You can go in now and go through the metal detector”  Yay! I’ve never been so happy to have  someone  rummage  through my belongings and walk through a metal detector in my life. I was just so  grateful to be in the air conditioning and feel like things were moving.

I passed  the metal and ‘what’s in your bag’ test with flying  colours and took a seat  in the all-to-familiar  courtroom filled, per  usual, with every race, height, weight, gender…every type of person you an imagine. I sat there along  with everyone else for a  good  hour I guess, listening to case after  case; shop lifting,  aggressive panhandling, possession of drugs, prostitution, robbery etc.  As the people  went up one  by one I noticed  the judge  looked  oddly familiar. A relatively elderly man, not too  tall, white with wire-rimmed glasses with his judge robe haphazardly oddly slung on his somewhat small torso. He had a curiously centered air about him given  the rest of that energy in that room. I wondered to myself, have  I sung to him at  one point underground or was he the judge I saw  last time for the  summons  entitled “Unreasonable  Noise”?  Hmmmm…Either way I didn’t get a  bad  feeling from  the  guy, actually the opposite  wafted over me, like I knew him somehow. Odd, right? Just  then “Heidi Kole? Heidi Kole?”  my name  was  called again, followed by that tell  tale question-mark the pro-bono  lawyers always tack onto a name when  scanning a courtroom waiting area  for the next  client they have never  before seen in their lives and are about to represent.

“I’m here” I stood up and  inched my way out the rows of  wooden  benches we were  all sitting  on like  school children and  followed the thin,  super pale, almost  translucent  Jewish guy in  his  mid  thirties with a blue-black Yam-aka  perched atop his head, up  some  steps to a small landing that quickly  became  his ‘office’.

“So, Heidi”  he  started in, what’s probably going to happen is the judge will dismiss this but it will not  take effect for  90  days and in that 90 days you’ll be asked to go to a day of”Quality Of Life Training”  at a later date.

“You mean this case will be open for another three months  and I’ll have to go to Quality of  Life Training  on top  of that?” Oh no no no  was  running  fast through my head. You  are not ruining another three months of  my life  with more  of this stuff and I piped up.  “But I didn’t do  anything…” I said as visions of the orange pinnies and 5  gallon paint buckets  flashed  through my head.  And I pulled out my stack of papers I’d  brought with me ‘just in case’. “First of all, the  cop, Officer Chin said he only gave me a summons because he had to give one to someone  or  else he would  get in trouble from his  supervisor,  see, here’s the complaint  I filed with the city, it’s all there in detail” And I handed my papers to the skinny, pale  lawyer  with the Yamaka perched on his head. “Also, I’m a MUNY member and  here, here’s the  rules, the law on music in the subway, I’m allowed to sing, see? ” and I pointed to the rules outlined by the group City Lore that support our First  Amendment  right to  make music in the NYC Subways.

“But you see…” The ghost-white almost-a-man,  who I swore  was gonna disappear any minute into a pile of  white  gossamer dust in front of my eyes,  said, “You see, you were not given a summons for singing but for blocking the  flow of …”

“I know, I know what he wrote it for, but look at why he wrote it…”  and I pointed to the detailed  letter of  complaint  I ‘d sent the prior month to the police  department about the incident. “See, he said to me he had to give me a summons but I could keep on playing. That it  was just bullshit and he  only did it  to save his job” Then there was a silence during which all I saw was the top of that Yam-aka as  the ghostly-white lawyer leaned over and  perused my documents.

“Ok,  I’ll bring this up to he judge then”  he said. Ok, that’s not sounding very convincing Casper, I thought  to myself , but  decided to deal with part one later.

“Oh, and one more thing…” I piped up  quickly fearing he’d vanish and I’d not be abler to locate him again

“What’s that?” Casper the friendly lawyer asked

“Well, see I have  another summons, it’s for the same  thing,  well not exactly the same thing, well it’s the same thing just with a different  name on it” And I pulled out the most recent  summons given to me for “Disorderly Conduct”. “See, this one’s  for August and I’m on  tour in  August  and I can’t be here and  there at the  same time, so  do you think the judge  could hear this today as well?”

“No, Heidi, he can’t hear it today because it’s not here yet.  The ticket, it’s not here –  it’s too early”

“But it might be written wrong and he can just  dismiss it.  The cop  said he might have written it  wrong, you know, to help me out ’cause he  didn’t want to write it. Can you at least  check for that and maybe the judge can throw it out today?”

“Sorry Heidi ,  see we need the back  part” and he pointed to the back, white portion of the ticket d’jour; “That’s the only way to tell if the ticket is written incorrectly and  without that we can’t tell a thing  so  you’ll have to ask the guard s on your way out and see if they can give you a postponment form and you can mail that in and see if they’ll postpone it for you”

“Ok” I agreed  reluctantly as the ethereal man ushered me  out of his ‘stair-office’ and  back to my seat on the school-days-wooden benches.

Somehow I didn’t feel safer in his hands at all. It was tough to see a spine through that opalescence of a man. I mulled over asking for another lawyer,  someone who  seemed less wishy – washy  but decided against it as I knew nothing of the  ramifications of that request.  All I knew is that I’d most likely, as it was with the last time in court, have to take  things into my own hands and be my own best  defense. I can do this, I told myself. sure, I can  do this. Just  then  my ‘friend’ the judge decided  to  take a recess.  Crap! I thought as the whole room of us sighed in unison at the thought of  being on those  benches any longer than necessary.

Ok – so the  judge was  off  having coffee so most of us did what we were prohibited from doing  when he was in the room,  drink from  water bottles, text and chat quietly amongst ourselves.  The man next to me, thin & slumped ove in his part of the wooden bench started chatting; “You know it makes no sense, I just asked a person to  swipe their metro card for me an’ here I am in court for panhandlin’ -makes no  sense, no sense at all…” then he paused; “What you in for?”

“Singing”  Again,  I thought the t-shirt idea would be a might handy thing right about now.

“Singin’? a mini shout came out of the mans little  frame, “Singin?  What they get you for  singin’ for?”

“I was  singing in the subways and they ticketed me for that.”

“See, see, that’s just reeee-diculous” the little elf of a man muttered. “You’d think they got  better things to do than to mess with a musician don’t ya?” At which point his cell phone rang and he transferred his attention elsewhere.

After almost 45 minutes of hearing about biking tickets, tickets for asking someone to swipe their metro card for them, tickets for urinating  in the streets,  tickets  for  walking  between train  cars,  sitting in  a park, tickets  for just  about everything you can imagine,  our freindly neighborhood judge returned.  At the  same  time,  from the opposite door  to the judge, in shuffled a smallish  black  man wearing pants and a top in bright primary colours sporting  hand and ankle cuffs  as accessories and surrounded by four  cops.  As the judge  slung his black robe back on in his usual ‘whatever’  way, the brightly clothed,  hand-cuffed  defendant was seated on the front row of the  benches  flanked on either side by a cop.

Man, I wonder what he did, I and probably everyone else  in the room  wondered.  Then some mumbo-jumbo was shared up there by the judge and  the cuffed  man  was brought up to  stand in front of the judge.

“Hey how  come he gits to  go up first?” my ‘bench-neighbor’ leaned over and asked me.

“I don’t know”

“Man, this is gonna take forever  if they keep doin’ this  shit” the metro  card  guy mumbled. “And I’m  thirsty, it don’t make no sense  at all after all that  time outside in that heat that we have to  sit here and  we  can’t even  drink our  water”

That part I agreed  with. None of us were allowed to drink water while in the courtroom,  even the woman with her young child was reprimanded for giving her little  girl something to drink.  That made no sense  at all.  I had to agree  with the accused ‘panhandler’  to my right.

Just  then the cuffed guy was  given his  private words  from the judge and was escorted out.

“Now were back in business”  the skinny metro card dude said under his  breath. “Let’s  get this show on the road” he followed as he nodded to a short Hispanic guy who had just come  from the lawyers  ‘office’ holding not one but  five summons in his hands.  “Woah,  dude you got a pile there,  don’t ya'”  as he grinned to his new buddy who remained  silent,  speaking only through his eyes.  Just then “Heidi, Heidi Kole”  Yay it’s my turn I thought. “Wish me  luck” I said as I turned to my temporary bench-neighbor’ “Good Luck” he  said softly as I  walked up  to the judge.

“Heidi Kole, docket number  one hundred and thirty seven, charged  with “Obstructing the Flow  of Pedestrian Traffic” – I almost gagged as a laugh suddenly surfaced from my stomach at  hearing out loud why I was there. I swallowed the erupting laugh not  desiring to crush my chances before  we  even got  started.

I approached the bench and layed my bright turquoise  blue  bag  down on the floor, hiding it  from view, not wanting to  appear too ‘loud’ in front of the  judge. As I looked up I caught the judges eyes for the first  time and saw he was grinning. He  remembered me! He  remembered me from last year and “Unreasonable Noise” . God, I hope it’s in a good way, please God, make it in a good way I chattered in my head. The  judge continued with his knowing grin,  the kind of grin you’d expect to see if  your best friend were sitting behind the bench and you were both going out for  drinks later on that night. The judge leaned over to his clerk and without even giving our gossamer lawyer a chance to  speak he  said; “Do you mind if I just  dismiss this?” I  guess the answer was yes  because he popped his head  back up, pushed his glasses back into their rightful place on his  nose and said; “Dismissed” Wow – super, I thought, dismissed!  I’m  sure my floaty friend of a lawyer  felt the  same way.  All was about to be a wrap  when I remembered, my other ticket.

“Excuse me” I spoke up and the judge  looked at me “Excuse me, may I ask a question?”

“You  want to ask a question?” the judge asked  surprised. I believe the subtext there would be something to the effect of; “You’re  serious, you want to  ask a question after I just gave you a huge break?”

“Yes, if I might, I’d like to ask a question”

“All right.  What’s  your question”

“Well, you see, I have this other ticket. It’s the for the  same  thing but it’s all the way in August and I am  supposed to be  touring on the day of the hearing, you know, above ground, not in the subways, and I wondered….” and here I  paused to gauge the judge’s  face, all was clear, he seemed  curious; “Well, I wondered if there is any way you could take care of this one today as well ’cause I  really don’t want to miss  my performance.” Then there  was a pause, of surprise I  think and the judge  once again leaned over to his  clerk…

“Is there anything I can do for her?”

Man, this is one rockin’ judge!

There was some more mumble,  whipser,  mumble and apparantly  this time  ‘Casper’ had been right; “If you  write  to me, or the clerk, get a form outside then I’ll postpone your date ’till a later time, all right?”

“So, I will come  back  right?” I said  wanting to make sure another visit was what he was talking about. Because if there was any way to  avoid another day here I surely wanted to  know.

“Yes” he  said, followed by “That’s all right,  right?”  Ok, I’d  reached the end of happy time  in court I  could tell.

“Oh, yes, yes,  that’s  fine, thank you” and I smiled as I grabbed my bright blue bag from it’s temporary hiding place.

“Oh, and Heidi…” I heard the judge say my name one more time…crap, is he gonna reprimand me for  something…I turned around; “Don’t miss your tour.” And he gave me once last friendly smile. I nodded an “Ok” , smiled  back and whisked  through the courtroom doors to freedom!

Even though it looks like I’ll have to go back for summons number  three I felt just  fine. I finally had someone on my side and  who better than the judge hearing my case!

As I walked up  Broadway to get some food as I was  starving, I noticed a smallish black man in oddly familiar  brightly coloured clothing walking here and there,  wandering in and out of  random store fronts along the street. Oh my God , it was ‘cuff  guy’ – the guy who h d been, not  ten minutes  earlier in the same court room as I, in hand and ankle cuffs. Wow, that judge is in some happy mood  today, I thought to myself  as I  watched the  newly freed man explore  Broadway in the  sunlight. Either that or the NYC cops are beyond bored and are picking up anyone and everyone they can just to  say they’re doing  something.

Most likely, it’s the latter  that’s the truth of the  matter.  Well, at least I know my friendly judge will  continue to have a job for a long while now & you know who I want sitting when I go in next month for “Disorderly Conduct”

Pray guys, ok?

May 17 2011

Documentary Film “Busking The System” today

Hi all – today (despite the monsoon outside) I’ll be filmed & interviewed by the documentary film “Busking The System”. It’s a fabulous film & great crew so keep your eyes & ears peeled as we’re gonna make some waves : )


May 10 2011

DStripped Launch Party featuring Review of “The Subway Diaries” this Saaturday!

Come on out & celebrate this Saturday @ 9:30PM @

Veranda Lounge NY
130 10th and 7th
New York, NY

The Cutting Edge magazine DStripped will be launching their first Print Issue for Spring/Summer 2011! Inside is featured a kick ass review of ‘The Subway Diaries” Stop on by, pick up your signed copy & enjoy the party!
Here’s their Youtube link for the launch:

Apr 19 2011

Lilys, Sunflowers & Tour Dates in the Sun!

So, last night I had a dream of  two dancers/mystics in long, colourful robes, movine & dancing across a green lawn, each one holding a flower. The first held an enormous, larger-than-life White Lily and the second an equally large, oversized Sunflower. After that dream, somehow now I knew Spring had finally arrived in NYC! We all thought it might actually skip us this year the way the winter dragged on. But the trees are in bloom, the flowers are comin’ up & birds tweeting madly. I even saw a goose lay her egg (all be it not golden) as I was running along The Hudson River. This truly is my favourite time of year & I hope all of you are enjoying it to the max.

I’m blessed this year to usher in the season with a full schedule of gigs & appearances that allow me to actually see the sun as I sing, speak & sign books! The tour dates range from Nassau Bahamas to Middletown Ct with fun appearances in between. Check out all the happenings below & I hope to see you all either above ground or under!

  • 5/12/11 NYC, NY Taping of Different Voices with host Poet Minor on Time Warner TV, Chanel 56 – Open to Public www.bliptv.com/differentvoices
  • 5/13/11 5/13/11 NYC, NY Performing at  “New York’s Underground Streets” Event 10PM @ “Terminal 5”
  • 5/15/11 I’m teaming up w/ fabulous documentary film maker, producer Justin Morales & Associate Producer, Magda Grover on their super film “Busking The System” www.buskingthesystem.com – we’ll be filming in the NYC subways & appearing everywhere together @ festivals & events this summer & beyond so keep your eyes & ears peeled!

A special note of thanks to the brilliant handiwork of bassist & master luthier Rick Mullen who has repaired my much neglected guitar. Thanks to his talent & dedicated work on my ax I’m up and ready to go this Spring! If you’ve got a stringed instrument in need of repair – he’s your guy! www.rickmullen.net

Finally – I’m sending all of you the best wishes for a happy, safe & super creative Spring!

Mar 13 2011

From my friend Saburo Horikawa on Japan & the Nuclear Threat – Pray….

As you all know, just last week Sab came to NYC and, as a sociologist, is now fascinated by the underground and followed me  in the subways with his camera for an evening at 59th Street. Now, just one week later, an 8.9 Earthquake and a Tsunami have hit Japan, and last night he shared the following with me on the severe nuclear threat that now looms over Sab, his family and his country. He and I alike are baffled at what it will take for the world to wake up. Please pray….& leave your thoughts and prayers here for him, his family & country as he does visit/read & tells me over& over how much everyone’s words mean to him…

“Dear Heidi:
Thanks for the reply. We are about 160 miles from the nuclear plants. What it means is that this threat is totally different from the Russian nuclear accident. One of the largest cities in the World is under the nuclear threat. Evacuation seems unrealistic. When the fatal nuclear accident occurs, there is almost no chance for us to survive. There is not much we can do here.

We are all very, very concerned about the troubles in nuclear power plants in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. I’ve always been against governments’ nuclear policy, and it is outrageously sad to see that my concerns become reality. I always have a very serious concern that the US and European countries have been reviving their nuclear power plants policies and have started to construct new ones. Haven’t we seen enough through TMI and Russian accidents?

I hope at some point the World will realize how fragile our present lives are.

Anti-nuclear movements have always been forced to fight loosing battles. Bob Dylan’s tune is ringing in my head: “How many deaths will it take till he knows that too many people have died?”

Please make music, Heidi. Sing this. Write a new song about this stupid poison power and the people who fought against it in vain.”

~Saburo Horikawa

Department of Sociology


Sab's Office after the Earthquake

Sab's Office after the Earthquake

Ghen is helping Sab after Earthquake

Feb 02 2011

So…whatchyadoin’ for Valentine’s Day?

If you don’t have plans, I’ll be performing & signing copies of “The Subway Diaries” at The Transit Museum’s ‘Missed Connections Party’. It’s bound to be a fun filled. lovin’ evening. Hope to see you there!

Artwork by Sophie Blackall

Find your Missed Connection @ the New York Transit Museum on Valentine’s Day!

Monday February 14, 6 – 8 pm

New York Transit Museum
Boerum Place and Schermerhorn Street in Brooklyn Heights


Poems by New York Times Metro writer Alan Feuer
Paintings by Sophie Blackall
Music by Left on Red and Heidi Kole
Refreshments thanks to Brooklyn Brewery and 5th Avenue Chocolatiere (Yummmm!)

Feb 01 2011

Multiple above ground happenings :)

In between busking and ding voice overs, I’ve been interviewed madly these last few weeks. First I interviewed w/ Tyear Middleton of Tyeattv.com followed by an interview with the fabulous Donna Drake of  “Live It up Show” – WLNY-TV, an impressive host commanding an audience of over 13 Million viewers and a most fabulous person. www.liveitupshow.com

Stay tuned for the air date of both interviews!

Host, Donna Drake, creator and host of 'Live It Up TV' & yours truely

Donna Drake & I

Stay Musical 🙂

Jan 01 2011

End of 2010, Ushering in 2011 & HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!

2010 was a trip for everyone it seems. It appears no one’s pretending otherwise or to be sorry 2011’s here. That being said – I always seem to find a way to dig the ride regardless of how bumpy. In the spirit of ushering out the ‘bumps’ of 2010 & ushering in 2011 with a huge exhale here are a few images of the last few days here in NYC. The blizzard  hit hard, so you’ll notice very few involve my 2nd home, the Underground ’cause, as you’ll see nothing was moving here, not even the trains. However you’ll get to see what happens when nature dumps all it’s excess snow on us in one go & how we here in the Big Apple celebrate a new year! Feliz Ano Nuevo everyone! May 2011 grant you your wildest & most creative dreams & don’t forget to dream big! 🙂

The snowstorm hit with vengeance leaving vacant 42nd Street in it's path

More snow & an empty 42nd St from 45 stories up

Not much movin'!

Outside window in my building on the day I wished I owned snow boots 🙂

Poor bike!

Abandoned car

After the storm, one of the last sunsets of 2010 over the Hudson - looks like summer, right? Well, except for the snow 😉

On to NYE in Manhattan, after a day of giggin' underground to every NYPD on the force as they patrolled the city NYE style, I was lucky enough to sepnd it w/ friends & my favourite pooch, TONKA! 🙂 I'm one happy girl!

We have fun : )

On the roof of my friend's apartment watiing for the ball to drop in Times Square. It's what we do here 🙂

After the ball drop - happy, happy!

Me after midnight : )


Dec 12 2010

Radio Interveiw on Centanni Broadcasting


Yours Truly being  interviewed by Johnny Mandolin of Centanni Radio