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Posts tagged: Lawrence Busker Festival

Sep 05 2011

Finally some Lawrence Busker Stuff!

The Lawrence Busker Festival in Lawrence KS rocked! It’s taken me a little bit to post some photos due to earthquakes and hurricanes passing over The Big Apple & taking up most of my energy

Anyway – we’re in a lull here, amidst the storms and so here ya go!

  • The first day I flew into KS City and was driven straight to perform at the opening benefit concert for Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Lawrence.
  • The next morning I did an early AM breakfast concert at the hotel I was staying in (omg – not my best time of day!)
  • Later that day the movie I’m in, Busking The System had it’s first screening and I did the Q&A after which was superb fun
  • I busked the streets of Lawrence – (my most favourite part!) met some fabulous people and absorbed festival energy while I sang, way into the night
  • Next day we had another morning Q&A for Busking The System
  • Followed by a stage show that went superbly & where many bought CDs
  • Followed by a book signing/reading & concert of “The Subway Diaries”@ Signs Of Life , the bookstore hosting my book signing and reading at the Festival
  • Finally I busked into the evening that, my last night in Lawrence – too the plane back the next day & collapsed for a blissful 14 hrs of sleep!

Lawrence KS, I would busk your city any day! Lookin’ forward to next year!

And finally an album of shot of the beautiful environment @ The Lawrence Busker Fest – soak it up!


Love, Light & Music

Heidi & The Subway Diaries