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Posts tagged: Harlem

Dec 08 2011

Obvious Under-Cover on the Uptown 1

So – I’m siting on the uber-crowded #1 train, headed uptown to Harlem to busk & this guy, in jeans & a sweatshirt, is standing by the pole in the middle of the train. His head is bobbing left-right-left-right & I hear what sounds like the faint crunching noise of a walkie-talkie. ( I can spot that noise a mile away) ME: “Is that I walkie-talkie I hear?” I said to the guy in the jeans. “Uh…Uh-huh” he whispered, half under his breath as if he had not wanted me to ask but instead to just go away. ME: “Are you a cop?” I said louder this time. His head bobbed back & forth faster now & nodded yes to me in between bobs. ME: (quite loudly this time) “Well, you should really turn that thing down, or get a different system or something, or else everyone will know you’re a cop!” The undercover cop shrunk down into his sweatshirt as if he wished he could just disappear. The train doors opened & shot the formerly, totally in control cop a huge smile as I hopped off onto the platform 🙂 #ows

Jun 28 2010

Too cute audio love ~

I  was  gigging up in Harlem last week and this group of  five or six little girls passed by, maybe nine or ten years old, and  they became  transfixed.  Within a matter of  seconds we had a mutual  fan club thing goin’ on; I love the kids. They listened to the music, clapped, danced, stared at the money mixed in with the constant cache of  assorted candies I  keep in my guitar case, chit chatted, giggled and emptied  their little pockets of pennies, nickles and dimes into my case.

Once  done my  gigging for the night and back above ground I noticed there was a new voice mail waiting for me.   Thought you might  want to  hear…

Click below & Enjoy : )


And  a day later…


This kid’s fabulous!

Rock on world!

Heidi ~