The Subway Diaries - Adventures of a Subway Musician | Heidi | Comments (0)
Art, Busking, Collaboration, Dumbo Arts Festival, Heidi Kile, Jail, Luss, Lussdatruth, Musician, NYC, New York City, Rap, Subway Musician, The Subway Diaries, Times Square, arrested, creativity, happiness, jam
Friend – “So, you been in jail?”
Me -“Me? No!”
Friend – “Really? …Wow just seems like you’d be someone who’d been to jail…”
(One of my rapper friends while we were walkin’ along in Times Square havin’ a discussion on music, the street…being arrested & the like.)
NOTE: I’m takin’ ideas on the ‘right’ response to this? Ideas? Please, do share … : )
The Subway Diaries - Adventures of a Subway Musician, Videos | Heidi | Comments (0)
Arts, Bill Withers, Busking, Collaboration, Dumbo Arts Festival, Dumbo Brooklyn, Fun, Heiid Kole, Luss, Music, Musician, New York City, Rap, Ricardo Luss Nigalglioni, The Subway Diaries, Underground, Youtube
Enjoy 🙂