For the past two weeks I’ve been tracking, on my way to busk, the growth of what began as a rather small, sudden sinkhole here on 43rd St in NYC to what I now have named “Oscar” as he threatened yesterday to swallow the back wheel of a Mercedes. Tonight reporter Greg Mocker of PIX 11 News contacted me to step in & speak on behalf of my new, ever expanding friend, Oscar on the 11 o’clock news. Here’s Oscars photo album from birth to the present & Greg’s clip on NY’s PIX11 News. Nice to be a sinkhole & get your own spot/cameo! π
NYC attempts to 'fill' Oscar
Oscar swallows two Orange Cones
Oscar gets 'hungry' for a Mercedes π
"yummmm...dinner" says Oscar π
Oscar the Sinkhole gets a Cameo on PIX11 News
Reporter Greg Mocker takin’ a break w/ my ax π
Greg’s cameraman’s glasses get eaten by Oscar
Greg Mocker rescues his cameraman’s glasses from the jaws of Oscar π
Β Look – wood under the Streets of NYC! #cool
This morning’s Facebook post from Columnist & Blogger at NBC Latino – Rachel Figueroa &Β her daughter Adi of course : )
“Mariachi duo performs on the subway. Guy next to us gives them change. Adi sings the alphabet. Turns to guy and says “now give me money”
I ended up giving Adi a quarter because I didn’t want the other guy to (he probably would have). I told her no busking until she’s 16 (when she goes to the Heidi Kole busking academy :-P)”
My ‘busking buddy’ from last night. His name, Paul Newman, of course π
So there was this guy on one of the cars this evening who looked so angry every time I glanced over I swear I thought he was gonna kill me before I finished the tune. His face never changed & eyes never blinked. He just stared with this crazy intense look. As I got to the close of the song I was trying to figure out how to walk that part of the train & avoid whatever he had planned…ugh. But I got brave & walked past & he actually, still without blinking, eyes still pinned on me, held out a bill…a $20. One never knows (note to all humans…BLINK! It’s freaky when you don’t : )
Argh Tough month for a NYC busker …
Chemical weapon drill In NYC subway for the entire month of July. Stay sharp if you’re in the area, you never know when one of these things will go live. ~SB~
This week n in5d Radio we had Ley Line & Earth Grid expert Peter Champoux as our guest on the show. Here’s the replay as well as my intro to the show which you may enjoy reading/sharing:
And my intro story on breasts…etc
Β http://www.in5d.com/take-back-your-power-and-thrive.html
Tonight I almost got accosted with kisses by a drunk dude who decided to do an impromptu strip tease to “Son Of A Preacher Man”….luckily I’m a stunt person with super quick reflexes & can usually dance around any drunk dude on a subway platform π
So then I wrap busking, surface to the street & some random guy asks; “Are you the naked cowboy? I mean the girl version…” No I’m a fully clothed busker thank you” What the @#%! are you smokin’ tonight NYC? Then he just kept tryng to give me his number….”I wanna take you out…I really like you. Please take my number….” And all I kept thinking was … geeze what the heck is different today than every other insane day in NYC? All I know is I’m definitely going back to my old laundry detergentΒ π
And finally, homeless one legged vet Douglass, who I pass every day, had no strings left on his guitar tonight when I passed by, so I dug in my case &,gave him a pack of Martins …he was so happy! “This is the best tip I’ve gotten all day!” he shouted across 42nd St π
Birthday gift from an uber creative friend! Love artists! <3
Occupy Sandy Relief feeding FEMA workers in NY