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Posts tagged: Art

Oct 26 2010

Quote of the week & Humour Underground

Me – “Hey Danny, a  cop just  passed  by”

Danny – “Really? Where?”

Me – “Over there. But don’t worry, it’s a female  cop. The female cops don’t really bother you”

Danny – “Oh yeah they will. They’ll  bother you. They’ll  bother you if they ain’t got no lovin’ the night before. Yes they will. They  get  themselves  some  lovin’  then they’ll  leave you alone.”

…..Ah Danny…We love you.  You always say it like it  is : )

Oh – and these signs are some of my favourite in the subways. The MTA has been cutting so much service that riders are completely confused these days what’s runnin’ & what’s not. So the MTA has now made it a practice to post ‘signage’ everywhere telling riders kinda sorta what’s running & what’s not…you know… basically, will you or will you not get to work, meetings, interviews…

An enterprising group has, throughout these cancellations & delays posted ‘counter’ signs mocking the whole situation. I love thee things!

Peace 🙂

Oct 12 2010

Quote of the week ~

Friend – “So, you been in jail?”

Me -“Me? No!”

Friend –Really? …Wow just seems like you’d be someone who’d been to jail…”

(One of my rapper friends while we were walkin’ along in Times Square havin’ a discussion on music, the street…being arrested & the like.)

NOTE: I’m takin’ ideas on the ‘right’ response to this?  Ideas? Please, do share … : )

Jul 15 2010

Feel the heat

This  has been the  hottest  summer here  in  NYC in  9 years. Amp  that up  by a   10 –  12 degrees and you get the feel  of  the underground in  this  heat.  it’s  beyond a sauna.  When  done  each  day I’m  soaked  from head to  toe –  hair drenched, shirt drenched poor  guitar  getting  dripped  on   for  hours.  I  loose  so  much  fluid I  now  carry a  little  container of  salt  to  replenish  what  I  loose in  the 3-4  hrs in the heat.

Here’s a taste of the underground, on one of the hottest  days yet  courtesy of Melissa Donovan, superb  Cinematographer  who you  can  find  at www.melissadonovanproductions.com

Video link below – Feel  the heat : )
