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Apr 02 2011

‘Adjustments’ Underground & quotes of the week

A lot of the buskers have noticed an increased police presence  underground, along w/ cops holding machine guns above on the street.  And, yes, I was ‘nabbed’ by the cops last week @ 59th St/ Columbus Circle.  So, we’ve surmised the latest ‘crackdown is due to us  being at  ‘war’ in Africa and that, of course, logically means no music underground in NYC, NY – Oh yeah, that makes perfect sense…

Which leads me to two favourite quotes of the week for the week – one from your s truly and the other from Rev Michael Beckwith.

“Let’s try the power of love vs the love of power…just for a minute and see what happens” ~ Moi

“When the ego loses, the soul wins” ~ Rev Michael Beckwith

Mar 27 2011

Heidi /Luss – Jet Plane-twist – up in the Bronx

Luss & I tryin’ out our latest twist on “Jet Plane” up in the Bronx – grainy & way unplugged but gives you an idea at least. Luss’s words rock so listen closely. Guaranteed, he’ll move you


Mar 13 2011

From my friend Saburo Horikawa on Japan & the Nuclear Threat – Pray….

As you all know, just last week Sab came to NYC and, as a sociologist, is now fascinated by the underground and followed me  in the subways with his camera for an evening at 59th Street. Now, just one week later, an 8.9 Earthquake and a Tsunami have hit Japan, and last night he shared the following with me on the severe nuclear threat that now looms over Sab, his family and his country. He and I alike are baffled at what it will take for the world to wake up. Please pray….& leave your thoughts and prayers here for him, his family & country as he does visit/read & tells me over& over how much everyone’s words mean to him…

“Dear Heidi:
Thanks for the reply. We are about 160 miles from the nuclear plants. What it means is that this threat is totally different from the Russian nuclear accident. One of the largest cities in the World is under the nuclear threat. Evacuation seems unrealistic. When the fatal nuclear accident occurs, there is almost no chance for us to survive. There is not much we can do here.

We are all very, very concerned about the troubles in nuclear power plants in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. I’ve always been against governments’ nuclear policy, and it is outrageously sad to see that my concerns become reality. I always have a very serious concern that the US and European countries have been reviving their nuclear power plants policies and have started to construct new ones. Haven’t we seen enough through TMI and Russian accidents?

I hope at some point the World will realize how fragile our present lives are.

Anti-nuclear movements have always been forced to fight loosing battles. Bob Dylan’s tune is ringing in my head: “How many deaths will it take till he knows that too many people have died?”

Please make music, Heidi. Sing this. Write a new song about this stupid poison power and the people who fought against it in vain.”

~Saburo Horikawa

Department of Sociology


Sab's Office after the Earthquake

Sab's Office after the Earthquake

Ghen is helping Sab after Earthquake

Mar 05 2011

Last few days of Winter Busking 2011

Two fabulous photographers, Mickey Holiday (www.birdhouserevolution.com), NYC, NY & Saburo Horikowa, from Tokyo Japan, followed me underground this past week during one of the last (hopefully) fridgid weeks here in NYC 🙂

59th St w/ Photoggrapher Mickey Holiday

59th st Columbus Circle w/ photographer Mickey Holiday

59th st/Columbus Circel - photographer Mickey Holiday

Danny @ 59th - Photo Sab Horikowa

59th St w/ my 'rock' Danny - Photo Sab Horikowa

59th St/ Coumbus Circle, my little 'enclave' - photo Sab Horikowa

Feb 18 2011

‘Revolutionary’ Music & Missed Connections

We all had a fabulous time @ The Transit Museum’s “Missed Connections Party” on Valentine’s Day. I asked Luss to come too & in between my solo tunz we did our thing on the old fashioned platforms @ the event. Here’s a clip in case u missed the party! 🙂


Feb 02 2011

So…whatchyadoin’ for Valentine’s Day?

If you don’t have plans, I’ll be performing & signing copies of “The Subway Diaries” at The Transit Museum’s ‘Missed Connections Party’. It’s bound to be a fun filled. lovin’ evening. Hope to see you there!

Artwork by Sophie Blackall

Find your Missed Connection @ the New York Transit Museum on Valentine’s Day!

Monday February 14, 6 – 8 pm

New York Transit Museum
Boerum Place and Schermerhorn Street in Brooklyn Heights


Poems by New York Times Metro writer Alan Feuer
Paintings by Sophie Blackall
Music by Left on Red and Heidi Kole
Refreshments thanks to Brooklyn Brewery and 5th Avenue Chocolatiere (Yummmm!)

Feb 01 2011

Multiple above ground happenings :)

In between busking and ding voice overs, I’ve been interviewed madly these last few weeks. First I interviewed w/ Tyear Middleton of Tyeattv.com followed by an interview with the fabulous Donna Drake of  “Live It up Show” – WLNY-TV, an impressive host commanding an audience of over 13 Million viewers and a most fabulous person. www.liveitupshow.com

Stay tuned for the air date of both interviews!

Host, Donna Drake, creator and host of 'Live It Up TV' & yours truely

Donna Drake & I

Stay Musical 🙂

Jan 07 2011

The Annual “No Pants Subway Ride” – A different kind of underground :)

So, yeah, a lot of music & art goes on Underground in the NYC Subways but so does the annual “No Pants Subway Ride”!!!
The 10th annual No Pants Subway Ride returns! The small prank orchestrated among friends has elevated into an international streaking of the Metro System. The warped minds of Improv Everywhere, invite residents to bare it all on Sunday, January 9th! Whip out the razors and wake up those legs from winter hibernation. The New York stop of the Global No Pants Subway Ride will kick off in various stations at 3 p.m. Participants must arrive on time to receive instruction and team assignment. In order for the event to be successful, founder, Charlie Todd , warns riders must not acknowledge their pant-less-peers. (courtesy, ‘Going.com’)



Jan 03 2011

Dstripped offering chance @ Free Copy of The Subway Diaries!

Register to win an autographed copy of ‘The Subway Diaries’ (www.thesubwaydiaries.com) featured in the holiday brag book and follow Heidi through her life in the subway culture of NYC.

Register @ www.dstrippedmagazine.com !

The Subway Diaries by Heidi Kole. Heidi, originally from Washington, DC, often called a Renaissance woman, is a singer/songwriter, actress, dancer, voice-over talent, stunt person for film/TV and author. She lives her life avidly absorbing humanity and creating her art from her day to day observations…
Jan 01 2011

End of 2010, Ushering in 2011 & HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!

2010 was a trip for everyone it seems. It appears no one’s pretending otherwise or to be sorry 2011’s here. That being said – I always seem to find a way to dig the ride regardless of how bumpy. In the spirit of ushering out the ‘bumps’ of 2010 & ushering in 2011 with a huge exhale here are a few images of the last few days here in NYC. The blizzard  hit hard, so you’ll notice very few involve my 2nd home, the Underground ’cause, as you’ll see nothing was moving here, not even the trains. However you’ll get to see what happens when nature dumps all it’s excess snow on us in one go & how we here in the Big Apple celebrate a new year! Feliz Ano Nuevo everyone! May 2011 grant you your wildest & most creative dreams & don’t forget to dream big! 🙂

The snowstorm hit with vengeance leaving vacant 42nd Street in it's path

More snow & an empty 42nd St from 45 stories up

Not much movin'!

Outside window in my building on the day I wished I owned snow boots 🙂

Poor bike!

Abandoned car

After the storm, one of the last sunsets of 2010 over the Hudson - looks like summer, right? Well, except for the snow 😉

On to NYE in Manhattan, after a day of giggin' underground to every NYPD on the force as they patrolled the city NYE style, I was lucky enough to sepnd it w/ friends & my favourite pooch, TONKA! 🙂 I'm one happy girl!

We have fun : )

On the roof of my friend's apartment watiing for the ball to drop in Times Square. It's what we do here 🙂

After the ball drop - happy, happy!

Me after midnight : )