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Aug 11 2014

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Aug 08 2014

Bugs 4 / NYC 0

Step it up NYC!


Another subway was fumigated Thursday after bedbugs were found, making it the fourth time this week a train had to be pulled out of service because of the creepy critters, the MTA said.

All of the bugs were found on N trains, including in the most recent case. The MTA fumigated the fourth train Thursday; it had fumigated two on Sunday and another Monday.

MTA spokesman Kevin Ortiz wouldn’t say where on the trains the bugs were found, nor would he say at which point in the line they were discovered.The Daily News reported some bugs were spotted in seat cushions in train cabs used by conductors and motormen. The paper also reports one conductor’s home was infested.

Aug 06 2014


Two Trains Taken Out of Service as Bedbug Infestation Hits NYC Subway


“If you’re a regular commuter or tourist (OR BUSKER – my addition) in New York City, here’s some exciting news: Earlier this week, MTA officials discovered that three N trains were infested with bedbugs.

The New York Daily News reports that two of the trains were taken out of service while a third was sent for fumigation.

“When we found them, we exterminated them,” Metropolitan Transportation Authority spokesman Adam Lisberg told the Daily News. At least some of the bugs were found in the cabs used by the trains’ motorman and conductors; it’s not clear if any were discovered in the passenger area.”


Aug 02 2014

Art inspires art inspires art….again :)

Saturday morning #BuskerSketch magic from German artist,  Hardy Wilms : ) 


piconplatformBusker Sketch#6

Aug 02 2014

Things that make a busker go ‘hmmm…’

As a busker, I never quite know what people are thinking, if there’s a subtext goin’ on when they say they love my voice & singing & then follow it with “I’m going to pray for you” 

