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Nov 30 2013

Ooops …

I ended up with this hidden in a fist-full of coins last night. I fear I may have totally messed up some guy’s trip to Home Depot … #oops
2013-11-29 23.09.46


Nov 29 2013

Creative Courageous Gypsies

I have yet to find anything in this city that compares to the gift of busking the NYC Subways. The ability to give and receive love & smiles hour after hour in an environment usually filled with the exact opposite is rare. I hold such love for the privilege & freedom all of us performing down there hold onto literally at this point, by our fingertips. As most of humanity is silently allowing their freedoms to be stripped from them, one by one – buskers continue to struggle daily against obstacles most of humanity has yet to experience, just to have a voice. That struggle, is & has always been inherent in our work. As long as we are down there & continuing to fight for our first amendment, our right to make art, to entertain & spread happiness, I am proud & blessed to be part of this community of  creative, courageous  gypsies. <3


Nov 29 2013

Cleo De Nile :)

My new “A” train friend & her mad colourful barbie “Cleo De Nile”.  Her mom; “Yeah, there’s definitely something a bit skewed when you say that name out loud” 

2013-11-29 18.34.41

Nov 27 2013

Busker Wisdom

Busker guy in wheelchair with well worn ax on the A,C,E: “You on the cars tonight?”
Me:”Yeah I am. It’s oddly slow though. Not sure why”
Busker guy: ” Well, we have the slow days so we’ll be sure to appreciate the good ones”

2013-11-27 19.27.19 (1)

Nov 22 2013

Greener grass ….

I know it doesn’t appear so always from the surface – but the grass truly is greener under NYC 🙂


Nov 18 2013

Look who I found tonight :)

Danny aka The Singing Dragon
