The Subway Diaries - Adventures of a Subway Musician | Heidi | Comments (0)
2012, Ascension, Author, Busker, Busking, Heidi Kole, Kathy Buckelew, Love, Musician, NYC, New York City Subways, Occupy Wall Street, Singer, Songwriter, Stunts, Subway Musician, The Subway Diaries, Times Square, Truth Connections Radio, Underground
Truth Connections Radio
The Subway Diaries - Adventures of a Subway Musician | Heidi | Comments (0)
"A" Train, Amazon Review, Author, Barnes & Noble, Busker, Busking, Heidi Kole, International, Music, NYC, NYC Subways, NYPD, New York City, New York City Subways, Occupy Wall Street, Songwriter, Stunts, Subway, The Subway Diaries, Times Square, Underground
Guy on train, after pokin’ around, trying to find a place to put a dollar while I’m singing: “That was just a test”
Me: “A test?”
Guy: “A test, to see if you’d stop or keep singing”
Me: “Haha – I never stop unless you have a gun, a walkie & a badge” 🙂
The Subway Diaries - Adventures of a Subway Musician | Heidi | Comments (0)
Author, Busker, Heidi Kole, Indoor Gardening, NYC, New York City Subways, Organic Gardening, Singer, Songwriter, Sustainable Garden Project, The Subway Diaries, Times Square, Underground
Yay my rockin’ Basil Seeds – we’re sprouting fast!
Basil Seed Day #5
The Subway Diaries - Adventures of a Subway Musician | Heidi | Comments (0)
Author, Busker, Heidi Kole, Musician, NYC, Nick Broad, Singer, Stunts, Subway, The Busking Project, The Subway Diaries, Times Square, Underground
The Busking Project – headed my Nick Broad is a fabulous people – immense & life changing project that I’m honoured to be part of 🙂
The Subway Diaries - Adventures of a Subway Musician | Heidi | Comments (0)
Author, Busker, Busking, Heidi Kole, INdoor Garden Project, Musician, NYC Subways, Sustainablity, The Subway Diaries, Times Square, Underground
Day #4 of the indoor garden project – so excited – Basil from neighbor’s seed from her plant 🙂
Two litle sprouts 🙂
The Subway Diaries - Adventures of a Subway Musician | Heidi | Comments (0)
Author, Busker, Busking, Heidi Kole, New Wolrd Fair, New York City, OWS, Occupy Wall Street, Singer, Songwriter, The Subway Diaries, Times Square
When I’m not busking, meandering along Hudson, plant whispering, starting my indoor sustainable garden, I’m helping my friend Kevin Vancio organize this fabulous awakening project here in NY but encompassing the world !
The New World Fair in Queens NY this July is going to be world changing & given all the fabulous healers, teachers, artists, clairvoyants, channelers & vibrational pavers of a New Earth already involved – this event is bound to propel humanity forward in a huge way!
Here’s our site thus far & please don’t hesitate to post here any suggestions you may have for energy workers, speakers, healers, artists etc you may wish to see at the event – otherwise we hope to see you at the Fair!
The Subway Diaries - Adventures of a Subway Musician | Heidi | Comments (0)
Ascension, Author, Busker, Busking, Heidi Kole, Indoor Gardening, Music, NYC, New York City Subways, Organic, Sustainablitiy, The Subway Diaries, Underground
Today my neighbor gave me both a clipping from her Aloe plant as well as some Basil seeds to plant. I’ve wanted to have a sustainable, edible indoor garden here in NYC for a while now & looks like today is the start of my most recent manifestation 🙂 So, my new friends & I will be posting our progress as we grow, bloom, thrive & settle in to our home on the 45th Floor, over looking 42nd St & The Hudson River here in NYC <3
Aloe Clipping day #1 :)Newly Planted Basil Seeds - Day #1 :)And, although not edible, the tired & true Joya plant, rescued form a dumspter in Washington, DC blooms on, happy as ever here in NYC 🙂