A Foot Long Look At Another World
"Heidi Kole takes us on a unique journey below the streets of New York City, with her book, "The Subway Diaries." The treat the reader gets is that the book really is not about being underground. It's a personal journey of discovery, deep inside of her soul, which surprised her with a new vision of her art and her life.
For those who have never been in the New York Subway system, her writing paints an accurate and detailed picture of the life there..not the life of those passing through, but the life of those who are there..to share their music and their lives....for tips. Ms. Kole is an important voice, for you can't really understand the scope of New York City without including the Subway system and the life that exists there.
"The Subway Diaries", in a way, is history....the personal history of one author that represents so many people who have passed through these famous tunnels of The Subway System, is a truth..her truth..her life...and to document that life is as important if not more important, then creating the Transit Museum.
I highly recommend "The Subway Diaries". It's different and It's personal and it's actually happening today and tomorrow and probably everyday that New York continues to thrive. Our lives are enriched by the music and art that spontaneously presents itself underground. For, in each and every performer, we can see ourselves."
~ Jenniroix
Propel Yourself into a Modern Day, Urban, C.S Lewis - World
"Wow! Wow! Wow! I thought I would just take a peak at Heidi Kole's book, "The Subway Diaries" instead I found myself hours later, past midnight, with red tired watery eyes and a night getting shorter and shorter...not being able to put her book down! I kept on scrolling page after page, reading about her amazing world. I felt like being propelled into a C.S. Lewis world! My! I am so fascinated!! Who would have ever imagined what is actually happening on the platforms under our streets??? Tomorrow I am rushing myself to buy hard copies and give them to my friends! I want them to know that Hey! Heidi Kole is FANTASTIC!!!
~ Therese
Finally Something Real ~A must Read Vibrant Book!
"Everything, including books these days are so homogenized, pasteurized, modified, and packaged by the major media and corporations telling us what we want to hear so they can sell the most product. Not Ms. Kole! She fights "the establishment," tells it like it is and gives us a real glimpse into the vibrant and thrilling world that exists in the New York underground, a world most of us New Yorkers just walk on by without giving it another thought. Her funny and engaging stories are a real breath of fresh air in a stagnating literary world. Bravo to Ms. Kole for doing something real!"
~ nycqtea
A Must Read
"A fascinating glimpse into a world that few really understand. In this book, Heidi Kole presents a first-hand account of performing in the New York subway system in an honest and elegant voice. From her initial fright at the idea of performing to gradual understanding of the 'code of the underground' to her acceptance and befriending of fellow performers, this book is filled with interesting insights and philosophy. Each chapter reads like a short story, and those short stories are beautifully woven into a compelling narrative that I found impossible to put down."
~ M. Lanciaux
An Urban Celestine Prophecy with a Heartbeat
"Reminiscent of an urban, underground Celestine Prophecy (but much more well written), Heidi Kole takes her readers through an incredible journey - filled with larger than life characters, personal revelation, love, compassion, heartache and fear - without ever leaving the confines of the New York City subway system. Through short chapter-like diary entries that keep the story moving at a quick, exciting pace, Kole gives us an insider's look at the lives of some of the city's best, and least well-known, musicians as they deal with background noise, foul odors, bizarre on-lookers, and the fight for their right to exist - all in the name of entertaining their audiences - and while asking for very little in return. Heidi is part story-teller and part philosopher in a guided tour of a city's underground that will change the way you look at the people who make your commute a little more bearable."
~ Dan Orange
A True Ride Through The Underground
"This is an autobiographical account of Heidi Kole, a rising musician, as she pushes herself past her comfort zone and becomes a part of the underground music scene in New York City. Heidi writes in a down-to-earth, descriptive and relaxed way that makes you feel like you've known her all your life. It's an easy read, one that compels you to read the book all the way through in one sitting. A number of photographs by Diana Meija and other local photographers, as well as two pictures by the author, grace the pages of this book, adding to the reader's arm-chair peek into life underground within the NYC mass transit system."
One Native New Yorker relives fond memories...Great book!,
"As a true native New Yorker, The Subway Diaries written by Heidi Kole brought me back to my childhood when I took the subway to my grandmother's house. I always wondered about the musicians. This book captures the feeling and sounds of life underground. I now know what it feels like to perform in the subway. It's a great read...pick it up!"
~ Valerie M, Pepe
A Fast Paced & Unique Journey Via The Music of The Underworld
"Millions of people go thru the NYC Subway system everyday but not many people get to see this unique world the way Heidi Kohl does. In her book, she takes you thru her experiences over the years of performing in the underground, things most people don't see unless you stand around for hours, watch people, interact with them as she has done. She is a talented musician/artist and her stories are interesting read for any one who wonders what goes on the NYC underworld. Buy it and read it at home, in the park or on the subway! I am sending a copy to my cousin in LA!"
~ Bahram Younessian
Illuminating, Fast Paced, Humerous
"Through many connected essays "The Subway Diaries" illuminates the underground world of the NYC subway traveller. It introduces the reader to unforgettable and often colorful characters, their shared culture, and the transformative effect of live music on those trying not to be there in the heat and noise of the platform, but at their destination. Informative, funny, surprising and enlightening, I highly recommend this book."
~ Evelyn H.Spalding
A Most Refreshing &Truthful Ride into an Underground Universe-Get This Book
"Heidi is a free spirit in the best sense of the phrase....trusting her own instincts to be a creative human being. This is the truth, I will never look at people on the Metro or downtown DC the same way after reading her book. I read a couple of chapters in the evenings as a way to experience New York since I have only been there a couple of times. Thanks for the enjoyable read and for modeling a life based on art and openess to new relationships."
~ Alice H
A Must Read
"A fascinating glimpse into a world that few really understand. In this book, Heidi Kole presents a first-hand account of performing in the New York subway system in an honest and elegant voice. From her initial fright at the idea of performing to gradual understanding of the 'code of the underground' to her acceptance and befriending of fellow performers, this book is filled with interesting insights and philosophy. Each chapter reads like a short story, and those short stories are beautifully woven into a compelling narrative that I found impossible to put down."
~ M. Lanciaux
Pick Up This Book
"This is a great read and insight into the underground world/code, that many pass by everyday without knowing, overall just a great experience to read and definitely worth a look."
~ Mark T
I Couldn’t Put It Down
"This book should be manditory reading for every American !!I could not put it down.The underground culture described by Heidi is an amazing model of trust, caring for each other,and unity. If all people would read and apply the features of the model our world would be an amazing place!!"